Thursday, June 21, 2012

Or maybe......

I was driving on route 72 in the area of Berlin, CT tonight when a big hulking pickup truck passed me on the right.  His bumper sticker read "If I'm passing you on the right, you're in the wrong lane."
That gave me pause, but then I realized that I was doing 75 miles per hour in a 65 mile per hour zone.  (I'm not proud of it, but it's a fact.)  So perhaps, sir, if you're passing me on the right, YOU shouldn't be driving 85 miles per hour in the SLOW lane.  Just a little something to think about.

And for the record, if you had been behind me in the fast lane, I'd have happily moved over to let you by, unlike the person you got stuck behind after you blew by me.  I think I've indicated here before that I don't really enjoy tailgaters who might as well climb in the back seat of the car.

And....since this post was prompted by your bumper sticker, let me just say to all of you out there, if you're going to put a bumper sticker on your car, please make sure it's legible.  it pisses me off when I try to see what sentiment you felt necessary to plaster on your car only to find the print is so small I couldn't read it without a magnifying glass or that the contrast between background and lettering is so poor as to make it invisible.  If it's worth saying (and most of it isn't), SAY IT.

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