Friday, October 28, 2011


Last night was a bit of a trial.  I had to go to Bloomfield and the roads were a mess in every direction, north,  south, east and west, I-84, I-91, Route 2.  It was raining and eventually sleeting and snowing (in OCTOBER!!!!!!???!!!!).  And yet, except for a few minor irritations (such as the store I was going to having gone out of business) it was not as annoying as this morning's commute.

To the driver of the VW with CT plate 438 XTH who was near Ace Hardware in Middletown at 7:14 this morning:  Turn signals are not optional.   Try using it.  It's the lever to the left of your steering wheel.  And to the driver of the convertible with CT plate 937 VAU who missed their turn off of High Street in Portland:  Backing up to turn into the street you apparently missed when there are cars coming down the street behind you?  Not such a good idea.  Go around the block next time.

Heck, it's only 9:25am....but at least I'm headed straight home after work today.  And if you're driving on Main Street in Portland between 4 and 7 this evening, please watch out.  It's time for "Trick or Treat on Main Street" and there will be literally hundreds of kids out collecting candy.  Don't let your carelessness ruin what has been a really great town wide event.

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