Thursday, August 30, 2012

Back to School...and Idiocy on the Road

Ah, back to school time!  The smell of new sneakers, freshly sharpened pencils, new clothes, brown bagged lunches...and people ignoring stopped school buses.
Yes, it happened yesterday on the first day of school.  As I was traveling down Main Street in Portland shortly after seven in the morning, a school bus was approaching the intersection of Fairview Street with its yellow lights flashing, clearly indicating it was slowing to pick up some kids and the three cars in front of me just flew by.  Are these people driving while still asleep?  Do they not have children?  Or are they simply so selfish and self-absorbed that they don't care about the safety of school kids?  Stop, people.  It's the law.  It's that simple.
And for the woman in the Honda (CT 127-WPF) at Main Street and Pleasant in Middletown this morning:
It was a good thing you caught yourself when you were halfway through the "no turn on red" intersection with a cop right behind us, but please explain to me how you could be so distracted that you almost rear ended the guy in front of you at the next intersection, especially since we were all at a dead stop for the red light when you decided to go.
If you have kids, warn them to be on the outlook for these idiots because I promise you that for every one I see, there are scores that I don't.